If you would like to transfer
your donation
to the Michael Foundation,
we will send you our bank details.
Ask for bank details
We express our greatest gratitude to all sponsors who support the MICHAEL FOUNDATION: Thank You. To honor the donations, we offer sponsors to be introduced to the general public here on our website.
For Christmas 2016, enotech Personalservice GmbH from Duisburg had a special idea. Instead of the yearly Christmas presents for their employees, they donated to the 'Aktion zugunsten krebskranker Kinder e.V.' [Action in favor of children with cancer], the 'Hospiz Initiative Odenwald e.V.' [Hospice Initiative Odenwald] and to the MICHAEL FOUNDATION.
Alsstrasse 12
53227 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 - 94 55 45 40
Fax: +49 228 - 94 55 45 42
E-mail: poststiftung-michael.de