Heike Hantel, Hamburg
for numerous activities for people with epilepsy including the epilepsy online conferences in times of COVID19
Mag.a Elisabeth Pless, Vienna and her team from the Institute for Epilepsy IfE
for the project "LEA - Leben mit Epilepsie in der Arbeitswelt (LEA - Living with Epilepsie in the world of work)"
e.b.e – epilepsie bundes-elternverband (epilepsy federal parents' association)
for its extensive, multimedia contribution to strengthen the competence of parents with children with epilepsy
Dr. Bernd Huber and his development and management team
for the epilepsy education program for people with learning difficulties (“PEPE – Psycho-Edukatives Programm Epilepsie für Menschen mit Lern- oder geistigen Behinderungen”)
Marion Witt and Hans König
for the theater play “Steile Welle”
Kristin Nahrmann, Youth on the Move Germany
for the documentary movie “Es gibt nur ein Ich und im Ich verweilt meine Seele”
Mechthild Katzorke and Volker Schöwerling
for their cinematic works on epilepsy, especially the DVD “Epilepsie leben – Epilepsie verstehen”
Gerd Heinen and Silke Kirschning
for the audiobook “Bei Tim wird alles anders” and the novel “Zurück vom Mars”
famoses –
an educational program for children with epilepsy and their parents (“famoses – Schulungsprogramm für Kinder mit Epilepsie und für Eltern von epilepsiekranken Kindern”)
Dr. med. Hansjörg Schneble and Dr. med. Hans-Martin Schneble
for the German epilepsy museum in Kehl-Kork
Epilepsy magazine "einfälle"
for the evaluation of the educational program MOSES
Alsstrasse 12
53227 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 - 94 55 45 40
Fax: +49 228 - 94 55 45 42
E-mail: poststiftung-michael.de